Mahaganapati means powerful Ganapati. Mahaganapati has eight, ten or twelve hands.Lord Shivshankar got victory over Tripurasur (demon) on worshipping Mahaganapati. Therefore it is called "tripurari Varado Mahaganapati. (Lord Shivshankar is called as Tripurari after his victory over Tripurasur) Temple
IdolTemple facing east has huge & beautiful entrance gate. Idols of two door keepers namely Jay & vijay are present near the gateway. Nagarkhana is situated above the entrance gate. This Nagarkhana was inaugarated by Maharashtra's honourable Chief Minister Shri Monohar Joshi on 3rd May,1997.
Main temple looks like temple from Peshwa's period. Temple is so constructed that sun rays fall directly on Shree Ganesha's idol. Since, this temple was on his way to war, Shreemant Madhavrao Peshwa used to halt here & have Mahaganapati's darshan. He had constructed a stone sanctum around this swayambhu or self emanated idol. In 1790 A.D he gave a hereditary right to perform pooja of Mahaganapati to shri Anyaba Dev. Temple hall was built by Sardar Kibe & Owaris (several small apartments erected along the course of enclosing wall of temple) were built by Sardar Pawar & Shinde. Famous hermit Morya Gosavi had presented an idol made of five metals to Shri Anyaba Dev. This idol is taken out in procession on festive days.
Story during Peshwa periodIdol facing east is in a crossed legged sitting position with broad forhead & the trunk turned towards the left. Riddhi & Siddhi are on the both the sides of Mahaganapati.
It is said that,original idol of Mahaganapati is hidden in a cellar in the basement. It is also said that it has 10 trunks & 20 hands. Meditating on that idol is callaed Mahaganapati Dhyan.That idol is not taken out usually. Due to fear of muslim invasion, in good old days that idol was hidden. That Ganesha is called Mahotkata. However,temple trustees has refused existence of such an idol in the cellar.
The stone pillars of old temple will be seen in the compound which indicates that architecture of original temple shows similarity to 9th or 10th century architecture.
Peshwa's Senapati (commander of Army) Haripant Phadke came to Siddhivinayaka on loosing his designation. He performed 21 days Anushthan (ceremony to propitiate God). Accordingly he vowed to circumnavigate Shree Siddhivinayaka 21 times in a day continously for 21 days. Exactly on 21 st day Peshwa's messenger came to Siddhatek and took Haripant Phadke to Pune honourably.
He constructed ghat on the river and also built village gate.
The place where Sage Bhrushandi had performed penances is nearer to the temple.